Windows 10 Shortcut Keys
Windows 10 has been installed on new computers since 29th July 2015 (has it really been that long!?). Maybe it’s time to expand your knowledge. As my Grandma always said, “the simple things are...
Building upon our 25 years IT experience.
Windows 10 has been installed on new computers since 29th July 2015 (has it really been that long!?). Maybe it’s time to expand your knowledge. As my Grandma always said, “the simple things are...
LibreOffice is free alternative to Microsoft Office. It has a native British version with full language support. It includes the following programs : Writer – word processor Calc – spreadsheet Impress – presentation package...
Avast! Free is a free anti-virus solution for home users. Stop anything nasty Detect viruses, malware and more, plus strengthen your home network. NEWCapture emerging threats Real-time analysis of unknown files, so viruses can’t...
AdwCleaner is a free removal tool for : Adware (ads software) PUP/LPI (Potentially Undesirable Program) Toolbars Hijacker (Hijack of the browser’s homepage) It comes with both “Scan” and “Clean” mode. It can be easily uninstalled using...
One of the main concerns my more senior customers have is that of telephone scams. There has been a nasty trend in the last few years where you get an unsolicited call from ‘Microsoft’...